Posted on 2020-05-11T12:11:16Z by Kevin Foong

Bulma is one of the most friendly and intuitive CSS frameworks I have come across. This is how you setup a workflow using node-sass to customise Bulma for your web development project.
1. Install node.js on your computer
2. Create a folder called "mybulma" and run npm init
3. Install these two packages:
npm install node-sass --save-dev
npm install bulma --save-dev
4. In "package.json" amend the "css-build" output to exactly where you want the CSS to output to. This will be the location of your web project's CSS folder and filename. For example mine below will output "mybulma.css" to the "../blog/app/static/styles/" folder.
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Posted on 2019-08-25T04:10:15Z by Kevin Foong
I have just completely re-designed the front-end of this website using HTML, CSS and some vanilla Javascript. I decided to try and create my own CSS without a framework and it was certainly a good learning experience. As you recall previously I used Bootstrap. I think beginning developers should definitely be proficient at plain CSS first before jumping onto a framework.
Doing this design exercise brought me to the topic of IE 11, as you do, when you find out your design doesn't quite work properly on IE 11 but working fine on all other browsers. So I check ever so often at the stats to see when IE 11 is ever going to die out - it seems it is quite a stayer. It is interesting though to know that Microsoft themeselves are actually discouraging users from using IE. This blog post "The perils of using Internet Explorer as your default browser" is quite an interesting read.